Marvel's Benedict Cumberbatch Rocks Infinity Stone at Met Gala

The 2019 Met Gala Celebrating Camp: Notes on Fashion - Arrivals
The 2019 Met Gala Celebrating Camp: Notes on Fashion - Arrivals / Jamie McCarthy

Benedict Cumberbatch is seemingly not letting go of his Marvel Cinematic Universe character. Fans who saw the 42-year-old and his wife, Sophie Hunter, on the Met Gala red carpet yesterday, noticed something major about his all-white look. Cumberbatch’s suit included a nod to his Doctor Strange role, as a green pendant reminiscent of one of the Infinity Stones was clearly displayed in the front.

The jewel in question, which looks exactly like the Time Stone, was pinned to Cumberbatch’s suit. Since then, fans have been going crazy on social media, joking that Doctor Strange actually snatched his stone from the gauntlet in Avengers: Endgame.

The theme of the 2019 Met Gala was “Camp: Notes on Fashion” based on the Susan Sontag essay “Notes on ‘Camp,’” and brought some of the most famous people from both the entertainment and fashion industries together on one carpet.

While many are in disagreement whether or not Cumberbatch’s all-white suit was “camp,” his choice of pin definitely caught many fans’ attention. If the actor wore the broach on purpose, not only as a nod to his MCU character, but also to spark a social media conversation, he got his wish. If not, then maybe we all just still have Endgame heavily on our minds.

[h/t: RadioTimes]