Machine Gun Kelly designs engagement ring for Megan Fox that 'hurts'

Machine Gun Kelly, born Colson Baker, told Vogue, the teardrop emerald ring he proposed to Megan Fox with under a banyan tree in Puerto Rico earlier this month, was designed to have a thorny consequence should she remove it from her finger. In his own words …
"It’s a thoroughbred Colombian emerald, with no treatment. It was just carved into the teardrop, straight out of the mine. And the diamond was directly from [jeweler Stephen Webster]. The concept is that the ring can come apart to make two rings. When it’s together, it’s held in place by a magnet. So you see how it snaps together? And then it forms an obscure heart. And you see this right here? The bands are actually thorns. So if she tries to take it off, it hurts. ... Love is pain!"
- MGK, Vogue 2022
Judging from their paraphernalia preferences (and various other components of their relationship that they've publicly admitted to), it's no wonder that MGK and Megan Fox have been branded as today's resident "Edgy Couple" throughout their courtship and now engagement.