Kylie Jenner Reveals She Wants 7 Kids But Isn't Ready Just Yet

Kylie Jenner admits to wanting seven kids, but adds she isn't ready yet.
Kylie Jenner admits to wanting seven kids, but adds she isn't ready yet. / Tommaso Boddi/Getty Images

It's no secret that Kylie Jenner wants to have more kids.

According to Harpers Bazaar, it's only a matter of when. In an interview with the publication last month, the makeup mogul said she definitely feels pressure from those around her to have another child. She also wants to give little Stormi a sibling. However, she wouldn't call it a "plan" just yet.

And brace yourself. Ky doesn't just want to give her daughter one playmate. During a #DoYourPart Instagram Live challenge with BFF Stassie Karanikolaou, Kylie revealed, "I want seven kids down the line, but not right now." Seven kids sounds like a number that would require the reality star to start sooner rather than later, so why the wait? "Pregnancy is just not a joke, it’s a serious thing and it’s hard. I’m not ready for that just yet," she explained.

The wait might also have something to do with the status of her relationship with Travis Scott. In recent months, rumors have been swirling that the two have been working on getting back together. Prior to this, the two have been consistently vocal about co-parenting and continuing to show endless support for each other. So for now, it looks like Stormi's parents are taking things slow, and that likely includes waiting to have six more children.