Kourtney Kardashian Defends Her Body After Instagram Users Say They're Convinced She's Pregnant

Kourtney Kardashian defends her body after Instagram commenters say she's pregnant on her latest post.
Kourtney Kardashian defends her body after Instagram commenters say she's pregnant on her latest post. / Michael Kovac/Getty Images

As we're all stuck inside trying to figure out what to do with our lives during quarantine, social media is bigger than ever. Just admit it—you've found yourself scrolling through your Instagram feed for hours only to stop, and then open up Twitter. This means we're taking in more content than usual, leading to many, many assumptions about what we see. This is what happened when Kourtney Kardashian took to Instagram today to share bikini shots, and commenters made plenty of comments saying they were convinced she must be pregnant. Overanalyzing much?

The 41-year-old reality star shared two gorgeous photos of her lounging outside in a bathing suit, adding a cow emoji and a girl emoji, signaling to her animal print button-down she wore over the bikini. People instantly started leaving comments about Kourt's stomach area, which they believe looked fuller than usual. Insane, right? She looks slim as usual in the pics. Well, the people of Instagram are so sure that she's pregnant from these photos, they even began congratulating her. Fortunately for all of us curious minds, the mom-of-three was quick to respond.

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When one excited fan wrote, "SHE'S [PREGNANT]" with two celebratory emojis, Kourtney defended gaining some weight, writing, "this is me when I have a few extra pounds on, and I actually love it. I have given birth three amazing times and this is the shape of my body," adding smiling and celebratory emojis. Not for nothing, but this "shape" is seriously incredible. Kourt obviously has a rockin' body she works hard for, so we're glad she embraces how she looks.

Kourtney Kardashian defends her body after people say she's pregnant on Instagram.
Kourtney Kardashian defends her body after people say she's pregnant on Instagram. / Instagram / Kourtney Kardashian

It's difficult not to jump to conclusions sometimes, especially with celebrities on the internet, but we have to remember these are real people, too. Thankfully Kourtney is seemingly unfazed by these pregnancy comments, but not everyone is that secure. We need to make sure we're thinking before we're posting, no matter how bored quarantine has made us.