George R.R. Martin Teases Fans With Cryptic Answers to How His 'Game of Thrones' Books Will End

LA Special Screening Of Fox Searchlight Pictures' "Tolkien" - Arrivals
LA Special Screening Of Fox Searchlight Pictures' "Tolkien" - Arrivals / Amanda Edwards

Now that the world is in uproar over HBO’s ending to the epic series Game of Thrones, fans are anxiously turning to the author of the books, George R.R. Martin. One of the biggest complaints about season 8 was that the cinematography was forced to carry the weight of the clunky, and at times confusing, writing. The likely reason for this problem was that the shows were produced faster than the actual books, a remarkable lesson in patience and a useful reminder that no matter how amazing the dragons are, the story is what made Game of Thrones’ earlier seasons so amazing.

Martin is not giving away any secrets, though, as reported by Cosmopolitan. In a recent entry in his blog, Martin promises that The Winds of Winter will come, but he makes no guarantee as to when that will be. After that, he’ll write A Dream of Spring. Again, no due date in sight.

He makes some exciting comments, however, when discussing the differences between the show his A Song of Ice and Fire book series. “There are characters who never made it onto the screen at all, and others who died in the show but still live in the books,” he writes. If this isn’t torture enough, Martin also makes reference to a mythical creature besides dragons: “And yes, there will be unicorns...of a sort…”

Martin also responds in his blog to the “real ending” conundrum faced by HBO fans and readers. “Book or show, which will be the ‘real’ ending? It’s a silly question,” he writes. “How many children did Scarlett O’Hara have?”

So we have no real answers, only the promise of some type of unicorns and two more books to come, based around winter and spring. Let me tell you, I’ve never wanted winter so badly.