Don Cheadle Explains Why He Refuses to Do 'Avengers' Press With Mark Ruffalo

Thanos wiped out half of the universe and yet he's still not as infamous as Hulk actor Mark Ruffalo. Ruffalo has been in a bit of hot water over the past couple of years for spoiling major Marvel films, including Thor: Ragnarok and Avengers: Infinity War.

His attempt to spoil the upcoming Avengers: Endgame movie this past November on The Jimmy Fallon Show was hilariously foiled, as Ruffalo's inability to keep a secret has become a running joke at this point.

His Avengers co-star Don Cheadle appeared on the talk show last night and made some jokes at Ruffalo's expense. The award-winning actor even told Fallon he refuses to do press for the movie with Ruffalo.

"He runs his mouth a lot," Cheadle, who plays War Machine, quipped. "Why do I need that hassle, right? I don't need to be sitting next to him when he blows the whole reveal of the movie. Him and Tom Holland... a little chatty."

The actor said there's "consequences to pay" when spoiling details of Marvel films. We're unsure what penalty Ruffalo faced, but we know the Russo Brothers aren't the biggest fans of him sharing top-secret details.

But before anyone actually thinks Cheadle has any sort of beef with Ruffalo, the actor confirmed he was obviously just joking on Twitter.

Hulk and War Machine survived Thanos' Decimation, and they will both be major characters in the battle to save half of the universe come Endgame.